Sunday, July 1, 2012


So Amanda found this picture of a text. Basically it was between two friends and it was all in code. So, we decided to make a code of our own. Here is our list of codes...........they're a bit strange..
  • Code 1- I'm sleeping go away
  • Code 2- A kid in school is being annoying
  • Code 3- I want to puke
  • Code 4- Need Jamba Juice
  • Code 5- I have something to add to the list
  • Code 6- I'm bored
  • Code 7- I'm working but bored
  • Code 8- I'm hungry
  • Code 9- Need slumber party ASAP
  • Code 10- Fruit loop troubles (#insider)
  • Code 11- GNO this week? (girls night out)
  • Code 12- When are you coming home?
  • Code 13- Bad day?
  • Code 14- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
  • Code Chewbacca-......
  • Code 15- I have something to tell you
  • Code 16- Check Facebook 
  • Code 17- GET ONLINE
  • Code 18- PROBLEM!!!!
  • Code 19- Something funny just happened
  • Code 20- It's hot
  • Code 21- It's cold
  • Code 22- It's lukewarm
  • Code 23- Just ran down the street screaming
  • Code 24- I have a song stuck in my head
So that's our 'secret code'!

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